Digital Asset Management
Buy and sell any crypto asset including bitcoin, ethereum and ICOs
Until now Australian Individuals and institutions seeking to purchase or sell crypto assets were required to either transact with local Australian exchanges, International exchanges, or third parties and each of these options has significant drawbacks:
When using Australian exchanges, investors:
Incur hidden AUD to USD conversion costs;
Incur significant slippage when making large investments because of low local volumes; and
Are restricted to less than 50% of the total crypto assets available because of low choices within the Australian market.
When using International exchanges, investors:
Have to transfers funds to unregulated exchanges or third parties in geographies where they may not be comfortable;
Spend significant time and effort opening accounts on multiple large volume exchanges to avoid slippage costs; and
Deal with complex tax and regulatory issues.
And, if they manage to overcome these constraints they still need to navigate the complex world of Crypto IPOs (called ITO or ICO in the crypto world), if they want a slice of these often extremely profitable investments.
Digital Value changes this. We have accounts with the largest digital asset exchanges in the world and can help you avoid slippage costs and hidden Forex exchange costs and can provide direct access to ICOs - often at a discount before they occur. With fees that are often less than savings we create , Digital Value can take the complexity out of crypto investment, and provide you with access to the most profitable opportunities.